Abstract that captures the emotions associated with joyful struggle to a goal. Different people feel different things especially with this piece. Many have seen a head of a religious figure up-close whereas others see the vague outlines of a neighborhood reminding them of home. 15 Hand-painted Limited Edition were available Michelle, Betts, Michele Bets, Bets, Michelle Artist Dallas, Dallas Artists, Michelle Abstract, Abstract Artist, Dallas Abstract, Emotion Painting, Painting Emotions, Blue, Green, White, Face, Jesus, Suffering, Joyful Struggle,Calming Michelle Betts is a self taught artists that grew up in California around the Walt Disney Studios and the many wonderful museums of california. Her parents worked there for many years and often visited museums and galleries during her younger days.

As a result, Michelle has always painted art as a form of self-expression and did not consider selling her work until two years ago.
